Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chalupa Flautas

My husband, Tim, and I decided when our daughter was very young that we would eat dinner as a family, at home, 99% of the time.  We stick to it about 97% of the time. :) 

When we moved to this house about 3 1/2 years ago we worked out a great system that really works for our family. 

Every weekend one of us plans the dinners for the week, writes a menu, and makes a grocery list.  Then I gather coupons and add other necessities to the list.  The one who made the menu/list does the shopping and the cooking while the other one cleans the kitchen.  The following week we switch roles.  Here is this weeks menu made by Tim:
Now that the kids are reading they know what is for dinner every night (If they can read our handwriting!).  Eating out is a special occasion, an occasional really stressful day, or at least planned in advance (Date Night!! Yea!).  We use up leftovers much more than we used to.  We spend a lot less money by planning.

Why am I sharing all this?  Well, this week Max helped Tim make the menu and chose Monday's meal of Chalupa Flautas + Veggies. 

Me: Max, Why did you chose Flautas?
Max: Because we start violin lessons this week.
Me: Huh?
Max: Violins are musical instruments and Flutes are musical instruments and Flauta means Flute in Spanish and they look like Flutes too!

Of course.

So today's lunch was leftover Flauta Flutes:

Chalupa Flauta with Salsa for dipping
Cucumber and Carrot flowers and hearts
Teddy Grahams for a treat

Thanks for reading!