Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pilgrims and Indians

Day 2 of week before Thanksgiving lunches.

Yesterday I forgot to put something in my blog about what I am thankful for.  So I'll do two things today.

1) I am extremely thankful for my job.  I am a Pediatric Physical Therapist working in Early Intervention seeing my clients in their homes.  I am so appreciative of the wonderful families that invite me into their homes and their lives so that I can do my best to help their most precious babies.  Recently some of my clients have made some phenomenal progress and this reminds me why I love what I do.  I am so proud of them.

2) Some of you may know that I have started making lunches for some friends' kids.  So every school day I am making lunch for my two kids and 2-3 other kids as well.  I am thinking of expanding this and making it a small business.  I am thankful for these friends who are giving me and this idea a chance.  I am hopeful that it will work out well.

Ok, enough of that and on to the lunches!

Maya's lunch
Ham and salami Native American sandwich with braided carrots for hair, salami headband and pepper feathers in the headband.  Candy eyes and food safe markers for the nose and mouth.
Apple chunks with a pilgrim pick
Snap peas, grape and sunsweet tomatoes, a cucumber turkey

Max's lunch
Ham and cheese Pilgrim sandwich with crust for hat with cheese and carrot band, candy eyes and food safe marker nose and mouth
Apple chunks with turkey pick
Snap peas, grape and sunsweet tomatoes, cucumber turkeys

I made two additional lunches today for sisters and they were the same
Ham and cheese Native American sandwich with carrot hair, ham headband and pepper feathers.  Candy eyes and food safe marker nose and mouth
Apple chunks with pilgrim pick
Snap peas hiding under grape and sunsweet tomatoes and cucumber turkeys

I even made lunch for me today!
Cucumber turkey reliefs
Roasted chicken sandwich on Challah bread with mayo and lettuce (YUM!)
I also had a Starbucks Chai :)

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Movember lunch

One of the lunches I made last week was in honor of Movember.

For the uninformed, Movember is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancers and mental health. 

My Movember lunch is supposed to be a guy with a mustache, but I don't have a mustache cutter so I used the mouth from a Jack-o-Lantern cutter set that I just got on the after Halloween clearance shelf at Target.  He looks more like a terrified frowny face.  But the kids liked him!  I also thought I had brown sprinkles but I didn't so I used my fall sprinkles.  Kinda like red hair, right?  Right?

Peanut/Sun butter sandwich using crust for hair, candy eyes and sprinkle mustache
Pretzel sticks
Orange quarters
Carrot sticks, cucumber rounds and pepper rings

I have to show you Max's too because of the hair:
The bread just came that way!  I think it looks like him with his morning bed head!  Hee hee!

Ok, men!  Now that you've had lunch, go see your doctor for a check up!

Thanks for reading!

Turkey fun!

Wow!  Did I not post any of my lunches from last week?  What a slacker! 

I guess I needed a little recuperation time from our visit to San Francisco.  I'll post some on another post but today is all about starting the Thanksgiving lunches!

Today is the first day of the last week of school before Thanksgiving break.  I decided to do fun Thanksgiving themed lunches this whole week.  We'll see if I actually keep to the plan!

Turkey shaped quesadilla with colored pepper feathers and waddle, eye and mouth drawn with food safe marker
I tucked in another quarter of quesadilla underneath for more food and to lift it up
Grass baran (Japanese food separator)
Raspberries and clementine pieces with dot pick
Black refried beans

I linked up with a Thanksgiving Linky Party!  Click on the picture and you can check out some other awesome Thanksgiving themed lunches!

Stay tuned for more Thanksgiving lunches!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Traveling Bento Style

Wow!  It's been a few days since I last posted.  What a whirlwind!

This last Monday was Veteran's Day and the kids were off school both Monday and Tuesday so we decided to head out to visit my sister in San Francisco for the long weekend.  (Hubby had to work so it was just me and the kids)

My one request: to go shopping in Japantown!
Maya, Max and their cousin Charlie in Japantown

My one complaint about Denver is that there are no good Bento shopping places.  I'm no longer complaining!  I think I am glad that I don't live near those stores because I would be completely broke!  I bought so many great things!  You'll be seeing them pop up in my future lunches!

Our flight out was leaving at 11:45 a.m. so I decided rather than buying yucky, expensive airport food I would make some lunch to take on the plane.
I didn't think to take a picture of the lunch itself but I packed a couple of tupperware containers full of sliced apples, sliced cheese, baby carrots, cucumber rounds, homemade hummus and pumpkin seeds.  The tupperware was the kind that you get lunch meat in and we have reused them a million times.  They were kinda old and nasty so I just threw them away when we were done.  Super easy!

I am sooooo very glad that I did pack the lunch because look at what the snacks were that they served:
Ritz bits cheese crackers and honey roasted peanuts....
Both of which Maya is allergic to!

I did ask the stewardess if they had anything without cheese or peanut for my food allergic daughter and they were able to find some pretzels and cookies left over from the last flight. 

Our flight home was also at lunch time and my wonderful sister packed us some yummy sandwiches and clementines and we also had some chips.  I didn't take a picture though.  
Saying goodbye!
For now.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

New cutters!

I found a sale on Lunch Punch cutters!  These cutters are so cute!  One of the first items I bought was their puzzle cutters.  Now I have their sweets and animals cutters too!

Peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches cut into ice cream cones
Greek yogurt with a colored greek yogurt frozen into a star
Blackberries and raspberries
Veggie salad - carrot coins, grape tomatoes, cucumber flowers, mozzarella circles

Maya had a difficult time opening the small dip container that came with the Planetbox and couldn't eat her pineapple yesterday.  So I can't pack her anything too juicy in this lunch box.  We still haven't found her Laptop Lunchbox. 

Veggie salad - carrot coins, cucumber with flowers cut out, grape tomatoes
Sunflower butter and apple butter "ice cream" sandwiches

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This week I have been making lunch for one of Maya's friends.

Spaghetti and meat sauce
Mixed veggies
Blackberries and Raspberries
Apple chunks

I gave Maya the assignment of bringing the friends lunch box back home with her.  She took this assignment very seriously. 

So seriously that she remembered to bring the friend's box home but not her own!  We have looked everywhere we can think of and cannot find Maya's lunch box.  This is the first time in 3+ years that she has lost a lunch box.  I guess that's a good track record. 

So today Maya took our new Planetbox Rover.
Roasted Pineapple bites
Grape tomatoes
Carrots and Cucumber flowers
Apple slices
Ham, Salami, and Pepperoni dolphin sandwiches

The Planetbox's come with magnets to decorate the outside that you choose from a bunch of options.  When I bought it I wanted something that would be good for any of us to use, but especially me!  So I chose these:
Makes me want to go places!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall is in the air

November in Colorado ...

can only be described as bipolar.

Yesterday it was 67 degrees, sunny and I was hot in yoga pants and a t-shirt.

Today was 45 degrees, overcast and I was cold in wool socks, corduroy pants and a wool sweater.

Tomorrow it's supposed to snow.

And by Thursday we're back up to 60 degrees.

Like I said, bipolar.

Today I decided to make a lunch celebrating fall.
Almond butter Fairy sandwich cut with leaf cutter
Three extra leaves of just bread
Blackberries and raspberries with an apple pick
Cucumbers and multicolored peppers cut into leaves

Today I made lunch for a friend's daughter too.  Her Laptop Lunchbox is so cute!  I love the mix of colors hers has.  
Basically the same lunch but both she and Maya had Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut spread on the sandwich.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween lunch - finally!

Sorry I'm a little late posting our Halloween lunch!  Thank goodness I made most of it the night before because I woke up feeling a little queazy Oct 31 and if I hadn't had most of the lunch already made I probably wouldn't have done anything special.  Which would have been sad.

As it happens I have been feeling icky ever since.  Which super sucks since the hubby is super busy this weekend and pretty much not home at all.  And no I can't blame it on too much candy because I've barely eaten any.  Shocking, I know.

Maybe I got a poisoned one.

Last night I was so pathetic that the kids (8 and 6, remember) WASHED the bathtub and drew me a bath.  So sweet.

Still feeling yucky this morning, but better.

Anyway, here is lunch on Halloween:

Mummy Hamburgers (I shaped the burger long and lean)
Monster Pears
Broccoli grass
Macaroni and Cheese Brains (Maya had just macaroni)
Roasted pumpkin seeds and some Halloween jelly beans
Ketchup blood

On Friday I really was so awesome with lunches.  No, not really.  

As I said, I felt crummy, had to work and knew that hubby would be home very late.  

Maya had a field trip and needed to take a sack lunch.  I took a brown paper bag, threw in a juice box, a pear, a Clif Z bar, some carrots in a ziploc bag, and a ham sandwich in a ziploc bag.  So Eco friendly, I know.  And so fun too!  Not.  I did at least cut the sandwich with a leaf shaped cookie cutter.  

Max bought lunch.  

Seriously lacking in the running for Mother of the Year on Friday.  

I'm going back to bed.

Thanks for reading!