Monday, December 9, 2013

Hanukkah lunches

Oy vey!  I am so behind in my blogging! 

I made a couple of cute Hanukkah lunches last week. 

 Star of David PB&J sandwiches
Heart strawberries
Celery and Carrot sticks
Ranch dip

Hanukkah shapes pasta with Parmesan cheese
Pear chunks
Menorah and Dreidel shaped crescent rolls
Pasta sauce
Dreidel shaped cucumber with carrot coins and a couple of grape tomatoes and cucumber chunks
Gelt (chocolate money)

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Round Up

Life got extremely busy around here preparing for, and after, Thanksgiving.  I didn't have any time to blog, or do much of anything!  But, I did make some really fun lunches that I want to share so here's the round up:

Cornucopia filled with chicken salad
Clementine flower with pomegranate center
Corn on the cob

 PB&J pockets to make turkey feathers
Face is crust with carrot beak and candy eyes
Broccoli grass
Carrot and radish turkeys

Fall shaped pasta with cheese turkey's
Meat/veggie sauce
Yellow and Red tomatoes
Cucumbers, radish and cheese turkey's

My mom came out for Thanksgiving and to watch the kids for a couple of days while hubby and I worked before the holiday.  I made lunches for them on the days she was watching the kids, but only took pictures on Monday.  The kids' lunch:
Ham leaf sandwich
Veggie sticks
Cucumber leafs
Lunch for Granny:
Snap peas and grape tomatoes
Cucumber leafs
Roasted chicken sandwich

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgivakkah!!
The family (those that were here).  I'm so thankful for my family!:
Thanks for reading!