Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Egg-clipse!

What an amazing thing for the kids to experience today!  We had 93% totality.  Here was breakfast!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

First full week of school!

Well, for Maya anyway!  Max doesn't start back until tomorrow.

Here are the lunches for last week:

 Bagels with butter and jelly
Strawberries and blackberries
rolled up ham and turkey

 Breakfast for Papa!  Red pepper, tomato and Canadian bacon omelet, strawberries and pistachios for a snack

Pasta with marinara sauce, cherries, carrots, snap peas, red pepper and cucumber slices

Homemade lunchables: salami, ham and turkey with triscuits, cherries, carrots, snap peas, cucumber and red pepper, and special treat : potato chips!  Maya's favorite (she takes after her grandpa!)

National Joke Day!  I added a Lunchbox Love riddle!  In the foil I think it was taquitos along with a lot of green!  Green grapes, green celery, green cucumber.  I am sure there are carrots hidden under there too!

Chicken salad and triscuits, red grapes, snap peas, cucumber, orange pepper slices and carrots underneath

Max was home alone this day because I had a training and he hasn't started school yet, so I made him a lunch in his Lego box!  He had a chicken salad sandwich, snap peas, grape tomatoes, cucumber slices and red grapes.

Lunch for Mama!  Chicken salad on lettuce, carrots, grape tomatoes and sliced cucumber with grapes

I hope everyone has a great week!  Enjoy the Solar Eclipse!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

First day of 7th Grade!

I cannot believe my baby girl is starting 7th Grade today!  The second half of her primary schooling!  Here she is on her first day of Kindergarten.  So nervous!

And here she is today.  Doesn't she look so thrilled?

Since today is also National Book Lover's Day and she LOVES to read, I made her a book lunch.   With a special treat for the first day.

Bookwich - turkey, salami and lettuce on a tortilla
veggies - carrots, cucumbers and snap peas
fruit - cherries
treat - homemade (by Maya and Max) cake