Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This week I have been making lunch for one of Maya's friends.

Spaghetti and meat sauce
Mixed veggies
Blackberries and Raspberries
Apple chunks

I gave Maya the assignment of bringing the friends lunch box back home with her.  She took this assignment very seriously. 

So seriously that she remembered to bring the friend's box home but not her own!  We have looked everywhere we can think of and cannot find Maya's lunch box.  This is the first time in 3+ years that she has lost a lunch box.  I guess that's a good track record. 

So today Maya took our new Planetbox Rover.
Roasted Pineapple bites
Grape tomatoes
Carrots and Cucumber flowers
Apple slices
Ham, Salami, and Pepperoni dolphin sandwiches

The Planetbox's come with magnets to decorate the outside that you choose from a bunch of options.  When I bought it I wanted something that would be good for any of us to use, but especially me!  So I chose these:
Makes me want to go places!

Thanks for reading!

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