Today I had my first Bento for me!!
I woke up very late this morning and was rushing around making sandwiches for lunch instead of what I had intended (stay tuned for tomorrow! Unless I sleep past my alarm again....). I had already made the sandwiches when Max came in and informed me that this was the day he wanted to buy lunch this month.
I let him occasionally buy school lunch, usually when it is Mac-n-cheese since he doesn't get that at home with Maya's allergies. He came up with the rule that it was a once a month thing. I'm not arguing.
I don't usually pack Bentos for me or the hubby. Hubby packs his own lunch the night before, usually left overs, a couple hard boiled eggs, yogurt. I am in my car driving around all day every day for work and am not 100% sure eating Bento's is the easiest thing to do in the car, when you are the one driving anyway. And I don't have access to a microwave or a fridge. I usually pack yogurt, string cheese, meat and cheese roll ups, cucumber, sometimes hummus, an apple, occasionally a sandwich, peanuts. I guess that is Bento-like food, just not in a box or with cute stuff. Maybe I need to get myself a Bento box. Hmmmm.
Anyway, since I had already made his sandwich, with cheese so Maya couldn't have it, I figured I'd eat it! So here is Mama's first bento:
Sorry for the blurry picture!
Turkey, salami, pepperoni and cheese puzzle sandwich
Grape flower
mini cucumbers
Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb cheese
It was kind of fun and definitely made me smile knowing I had a cute lunch, even if no one else saw it. It was not enough food though. I had also packed a yogurt of a new-to-me flavor that I didn't like so didn't finish and a Babybel Cheese round. I was VERY hungry when I got home and thankfully today was an early day for me or I would probably have had to pick up some extra food somewhere.
I might try again tomorrow. :)
Max bought lunch expecting Mac-n-cheese but apparently they didn't have
it today, even though it was on the menu. He got Chow Mein which he
said was noodles with chicken and really good! How come he won't eat it
at home then?
Here's Maya's lunch:
Another bad picture! Sorry
Turkey, salami, & pepperoni puzzle sandwich
Green and red grapes with flower and clover picks
mini cucumber rounds
Juice box
I always feel bad when Max buys lunch and give Maya "treat" of some kind, today a juice box. I don't know why I feel bad when she doesn't. I have asked her many, many times if she wants to buy lunch on days when it is safe food and she always says no. The school has a great fruit and veggie bar that she could eat, but she is afraid of cross-contamination. Occasionally she wishes she could have cheese, ice cream, or eggs, but not often. She doesn't know what she is missing as she has never had real dairy, but she hates all the "fake" cheeses and would rather just go without. We've tried fake mayo, fake cream cheese, coconut and soy yogurts, all the cheese varieties, and she doesn't like any of it. I wonder if it's actually the taste or the fact that she knows it is different. I tell her whenever she is ready we can go do a food challenge at the allergy doctor's office, but she says she's not ready yet.
Anyway, off my sad soapbox. I am glad she enjoys the lunches I make for her as I know they are safe and healthy and now they are cute too!
Thanks for reading!