Monday, September 15, 2014

Grown Up Lunches Take 2

Here are some of the lunches Tim and I enjoyed this last week.

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs; V8; Greek yogurt
Lunch: Veggie strips (cucumber, snap peas, carrots, pepper); Red pepper hummus; Chicken salad wraps with mozzarella and roma tomato from the garden; Homemade applesauce from our garden
Snack: Babybel cheese and almonds

 Morning snack: Greek yogurt and V8
Lunch: Ham and cheese lettuce wraps; caprese salad; veggie strips and hummus
Afternoon snack: peanuts and Babybel cheese

 Breakfast: hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt
Lunch: Rotisserie chicken sandwich on Challah roll; celery and cucumber with Laughing Cow cheese wedge; pudding cup
Snack: Apple and cheddar cheese slices; peanuts
 Breakfast: homemade steel cut oats, almonds and craisins to sprinkle on top; V8
Morning snack: Greek yogurt
Lunch: Beef stew; salad
Afternoon snack: string cheese

This lunch is packed in my Planetbox, which I really only use when I am going to be able to eat at a table rather than in my lap in the car due to the space it takes up when open.
 Rotisserie chicken sandwich; celery, cucumber and carrot sticks; Laughing Cow cheese wedge; peanuts; a mini chocolate

I hope you enjoy seeing some of our grown up lunches.  We are trying to eat healthier and exercise more (so occasionally I get a treat!).  Overall I think we are doing well with it.  And Tim says he likes his lunches.

Thanks for Reading!


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