Monday, March 3, 2014

Dr Seuss!

Today we are celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday!  I love Dr. Seuss!  I couldn't decide which book to make our lunch after so I did a bunch of them!

Green eggs and ham.  You can't really tell but the egg is dyed green.
While Maya did pass the egg challenge and is now able to eat eggs, she says she doesn't like them.  So she got green hash browns and ham.

One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Muffalata Trees from The Lorax. (And we needed a veggie!)

I think my absolute favorite book by Dr. Seuss is "My Many Colored Days".  I love the ending "But it all turns out all right, you see.  And I go back to being ... me."

The kids are having a colored day too!
Maya is having a purple day (purple dress, leggings and socks!)
Max is having a red day (red pants, shirt and socks!)

I ran out of room for "If I ran the Circus", "If I ran the Zoo", "Horton Hatches an Egg", "The Cat and the Hat", ......

I hope you all have a Seuss-irrific Day!

Thanks for Reading!